If you have EVER been a member in the past, please use the Renew Now button.
Save the Date!
Spring Author Luncheon on March 13, 2025 with Anne Hillerman, New York Times bestselling author of the Leaphorn, Chee & Manuelito series. Pre-Sale for FSL members only on Feburary 11th and 12th. More details to be announced soon.
The Friends of SaddleBrooke Libraries (FSL) was established in 2000 to provide funding for the three SaddleBrooke Libraries located inside the SaddleBrooke and MountainView Clubhouses and the DesertView Performing Arts Center. FSL raises funds for new library materials and equipment through:
- Membership donations
- Community education events
- Fundraising events and activities
- Tax-exempt gifts
Our members support these efforts by volunteering, attending fundraising events, donating library materials, making monetary gifts and encouraging others to join FSL.
We encourage you to become an FSL member and support the SaddleBrooke Libraries.
If you would like to make a donation in honor or memory of a friend or loved one, click here to make an online donation or information about where to send a check.