About Us


Founded in 2000, Friends of SaddleBrooke Libraries (FSL) is an all-volunteer 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that supports the SaddleBrooke Library System.

Mission Statement

FSL’s mission is to:

  • Provide funds for the three SaddleBrooke Libraries
  • Maintain a fee-based membership of persons interested in books and libraries
  • Sponsor enrichment opportunities for the community
  • Solicit tax-exempt gifts of money, materials and in-kind donations

Our members support this mission by volunteering, attending fundraising events, encouraging friends to join FSL, donating library materials, and promoting increases in membership levels.

Volunteers from both HOA1 and HOA2 manage FSL. Operating separately from the library system, FSL works closely with Library Management to ensure all three libraries receive needed funding. Since its inception, FSL has provided grants to the libraries. Typically these grants total more than $30,000 per year.

More than 50% of SaddleBrooke households are registered to use the library system and nearly 15% of SaddleBrooke households are members of FSL.

2024-25 FSL Board and Committee Members

Board Member

President: Joyce Faulkner
Vice-President: Laura Benson
Secretary: Tammy Wallin
Treasurer: John Ginther

Lecture Series Chair: Colleen Strening

Communications Chair: Jodi Hubbell
Membership: Holly Ravitz

Special Events Chair: Lynn Bershtel

Constituent Relationship Management
Chair: Maureen Spence

FSL Webmaster: Heather Wolf

Community Representatives: Bernice Christian & Julie Davis
Director, SaddleBrooke Libraries: Janet Fabio

If you have questions about joining FSL, please contact our Membership Chair, Helen Biggs, at hcbiggs@gmail.com or 509-434-9096.